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Early Intervention Lessens the Impact of Business Closures on Employees

Early Intervention means reaching the affected worker and linking him or her with the appropriate services before the end of employment. This works best when the employer allows Dislocated Workers Program staff to come to the workplace and meet with employees individually or in small groups to tell them about services, answer questions and make follow-up appointments for additional services.

JALMC pioneered the use of this process in the mid 1980s and it has been a cornerstone of our program since then.

This approach leads to higher program participation than trying to reach unemployed workers by phone or letter. It also means:

  • Shorter average time to new employment for those going directly to a job search.
  • Professional, clerical and moral support during the job hunt.
  • Less stress for the affected worker and his or her family.
  • Better utilization of training opportunities and financial assistance for those who want to upgrade skills before returning to the job market.
  • Research and financial assistance for those workers who want to relocate.

Most employers are receptive to this approach as long as the time off from work for orientation and appointments is not excessive. It has several advantages form management's point of view:

  • Moderation of the impact of the layoff or closing on employee morale.
  • It meets a genuine concern for the welfare of the employee.
  • Shorter time to re-employment generally means lower unemployment costs.
  • All services are available at no direct expense to the employer.

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